近百年前他先一步登臨大羅但很快距今不到二十年前王管也成就大羅天仙之境???退伍兵張紹斌(黃成麟 飾)在退伍時受家中父親囑咐硬是買了頭驢回家不料路上卻遇到偷走了人販子賬本卻意外失憶的女大學(xué)畢業(yè)生岳梓馨(李若嘉 飾)張紹斌被迫帶著岳梓馨艱難上路 然而人販子并沒有打算放過偷走賬本的岳梓馨一路追蹤伺機將岳梓馨和賬本一起帶走 這時剛畢業(yè)被自己當(dāng)局長的父親下放到縣級公安局實習(xí)的小警察劉鳴(候凱文 飾)出現(xiàn)劉鳴從其父親公安局得知人販子頭目就在自己將要去上任的區(qū)域躲藏立功表現(xiàn)的心不言而喻但理論大于實踐的劉鳴卻將張紹斌誤會成人販子一路上多加阻撓卻總是弄的狼狽不堪終于忍不住受氣的劉鳴爆發(fā)與張紹斌大打出手而在一旁勸架的岳梓馨卻滾入了深坑所幸岳梓馨因禍得福記憶恢復(fù)隨后將人販子的行蹤以及賬本交給了解除了誤會的劉鳴最終劉鳴帶著縣級公安民警將人販子一舉抓獲而岳梓馨也與張紹斌喜結(jié)連理??While policeman Shen Mengxing escorted the prisoner Liu Daniu to the provincial jail, they were kidnapped by the female robbers, Yu Niang and Xue Die, from Longmen Mountain in Longmen County. The two were captured to the mountain and became members of the cottage. The new cottage was renamed \"Longmen Cottage\". Yu Niang is the master, Shen Mengxing is the second master, and Liu Daniu is the third master. Then Yu Niang arranged Shen Mengxing and Daniu to go out and invite Lu Linxiao, a teacher at Longmen College, to come to the cottage as a consultant. Everyone worked together in order to make the business much better, but they wrongly used all kinds of bad methods, which led to many misunderstandings and a series of hilarious embarrassments. Once Lu Linxiao asked Daniu to help bring a letter to his father, and Daniu rescued a fisherman's daughter, Wan Er, on the way to Lu's residence. After listening to Wan Er's experiences, everyone in the cottage was filled with anger and motivation and determined to help Wan Er fight against the evil county forces headed by County Magistrate Mu.???