同樣登臨玄仙境界的傅婷、孟婉姐妹二人自也一樣??近未來人類工業(yè)文明高度發(fā)達一種名為“代理人”的仿生機器人迅速流行它具有完美的容貌與身體各項物理功能超群人們通過特定的裝置可以將自己的意識上載到代理人身上并通過它進行工作、學習和社交然而正因為容貌的隨意性和可塑造性人類越來越依賴這種科技犯罪率也隨之飆升有人擁護有人反對社會現狀并未因科技的進步而有任何好轉 湯姆吉爾(布魯斯威利斯 Bruce Willis 飾)是FBI的探員某晚他受命調查一起代理人謀殺案正常情況下代理人被損壞其本體很難受到傷害而這起案件中兩名代理人的本體全部遇害身亡湯姆意識到這里的陰謀于是和搭檔展開連番調查而這一過程中由代理人組成的虛擬社會也開始受到動搖……??Three young Muslim men, part of a terror cell, are making a bomb in a London flat, when they get a call to vacate immediately with their gear. The police have been alerted and they are under suspicion. Asif, Shahid and Mushtaq grab suitcases, the computer, and a cardboard box containing bomb making equipment and bolt out the door. Shahid's getaway car is clamped so the three are forced to escape on foot from the pursuing police. Cornered, they dive into a restaurant on a busy city street. It ...??